joi, august 12, 2010


It struck me that it's not the romanians who do reality movies..(we are too keen on nostalgia and "vintage") ... truth really is that US movies contain let's say less fiction than the nyc reality ...  the action, the comedy, the science fiction and the trill are all rapped up in the big rotten apple (disclaimer: there's no drift in regard of Apple god praise it's name;-)

People are loners enclosed in their glass spheres covered by the vivid commercials and the new yorker's cult (i. e. it's huge to be an american but being a new yorker it's the cherry on top of the rock), in a place more crowded than a sardine can.

Manhattan is a filthy gorgeous devilish place where the angels come to party...everything is huge compared to Europe... cars, buildings, people and even fruits (pe principiul "dar asta ce e?" ... " mazare mah, mazare mazare" pt cine stie bancul si cu ocazia asta poate vor ajunge la mine si cei ce-l cauta pe brazilianul primar al Constantei)

Hai ca pun si poze gata ca am ars-o destul aiurea...

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